ARDF September 16th 2012



Organisazer : Réal VE2DSK
Participants :
André VE2BJU
Jean VE2JM
Marcel VE2GMR
Martin VE2MJT
Serge VE2HLS
Jacques VA2JCK only visiting

André VE2BJU, Serge VE2HLS, Jacques VA2JCK, Martin VE2MJT,

Marcel VE2GMR and Jean VE2JM

André VE2BJU is the last one leaving
Marcel VE2GMR looking for ???
Oups... Jean VE2JM is coming back
Marcel helping André, a team story 


No way to get to this island...
...this is not a good place to go...

...this is the right way to get to the island for TX #3


André asking... were is that signal coming from ?


Hum hum... This is not the good place...?


Look at their smile


Jean finaly found the island